In some cases you might need to create certain rules for your NTFS/ExtFS volumes like not mounting Volume automatically or mount it with only read permissions. You can use fstab file for this – the file /etc/fstab is consulted for user-defined mount points, indexed
by filesystem, in the mount point determination for a filesystem. Each Volume can be identified by its UUID or by its label, using the constructs “UUID” or “LABEL”, respectively.
Here are some examples:
LABEL=BOOTCAMP none ufsd_NTFS ro (mount volume BOOTCAMP with read-only access)
LABEL=EXTERNAL_NTFS none ufsd_NTFS rw (mount volume EXTERNAL_NTFS with read and write access)
LABEL=DONT_AUTO_MOUNT_THIS_VOLUME none ufsd_ExtFS rw, noauto (this ExtFS volume won’t be mounted automatically).
ufsd_NTFS – name of Paragon NTFS driver for Mac OS X.
ufsd_ExtFS – name of Paragon ExtFS driver for Mac OS X.
If it doesn’t work with LABEL, try to use volume UUID.
To find out Volume UUID you can do this:
General, HowTos: Mac OS X, Know how: Mac OS X, NTFS for Mac OS X
Tags: extfs, ExtFS for Mac, fstab, mount, ntfs, NTFS for Mac