You are trying to activate your Paragon Software product using online activation scenario, but unable to proceed.
Please check your firewall.
The ports 8081 and 443 must be enabled.
Check if hosts file is modified.
Some users manually modify the HOSTS file in order to block activity of Internet advertisment. This modification effects on our internal services and prevents it from working properly. In other words if you block certain web addresses – our account supporting services are blocked as well. We have a workaround deleting next lines from HOSTS file.
This file can be found by the path below by default.
/private/etc/hosts /etc/hosts
Edit it – remove mentioned lines and save. Then check if you can access our services.
Known issues during activation, NTFS for Mac OS X, Products for Mac OS X, Products for Windows
Tags: activation, error, issue, NTFS for Mac 14